Kamakawi Lexicon and Corpus

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Kamakawi English Date Added
Ku hemata uei iu kuaki ae iolui kau. We spotted the ducks in the pond. 07/28/11
Au neyana fuila ti'i: u paki iu pewo tou. Birds are better than me: They can build nests. 05/09/11
A mata ei ie kavaka te mopa tou... I can see the writing on the wall... 04/22/11
Ka hava ei i uvo. I've eaten swordfish. 04/05/11
A nemile kuaki oi'i. My duck is dead. 02/15/11
Tikili i ia! Congratulations! 12/30/10
Kiko i kive! Today is Saturday! 12/04/10
I mopa neu ipe kapoloi. There's a wall behind that little tree. 11/16/10
Havava tapela oi'i iu hate. My older sibling likes onions. 11/16/10
Havava tapela oi'i iu hate. My older sister likes onions. 11/16/10
Havava tapela oi'i iu hate. My older brother likes onions. 11/16/10
Iape! E mata ie meka palaki li'i e iwiala'ala ti hetu! You there! Behold my dog statue and tremble in fear! 10/21/10
A eli ei i iko kaneko! I love this cat! 09/25/10
A kiwi iko nuali ima! This melon is really juicy! 09/14/10
Tupa kaneko oi'i i ika ae ea. My cat should really bathe herself. 09/04/10
Ai mawata ia ai? Are you blind? 08/12/10
A katava ipe nake... That's a tall cliff... 08/06/10
Kiko i ki elea! Today is a happy day! 07/04/10
Wela! Thanks! 06/30/10
Awela! Thanks! 06/30/10
Awela! Thank you! 06/30/10
Opa hie! Keep digging! 06/22/10
Nemilele ia i ipe opu! Kill that flea! 06/22/10
A katava noko oi'i! My grandfather's tall! 06/19/10
Ai male hava ia ie ipe naka ai? Are you going to eat that carrot? 05/12/10
E kuiki nukoa hie. The meat is still pink. 04/18/10
He hava uei i heli! Let's eat strawberries! 04/05/10
Au tei iaka eyana! You two dance well! 03/11/10
A po ei ie pale pokau mata'u ti eya kipe. I'm outside the house we saw yesterday. 02/28/10
Au mupo hu'e. Geraniums are useless. 02/28/10
He! Ipe ie eka li'i! Hey! That's my hat! 02/28/10
Ka hava pi ie nawa. The pelican ate the fish. 02/28/10
Ka mata ei ie pelane oi'i pe; ae nikula nea ae. I saw my sister-in-law there; she's doing well. 02/28/10
Neiwele ia ie pa ti lelea. Fill the bowl up with water. 02/28/10
Awei! Fome ei! Alas! I'm short! 02/25/10
A meme meli oi ia. Your grandchild is dirty. 02/25/10
He'ea ia ie none oi ia! Listen to your grandmother! 02/25/10
A nu'e ia ie ipe itava fei! Pick up that banana peel! 02/25/10
A hetu ei ie pika oku. I don't fear thunder. 02/25/10
A hetu ei ie pika oku. I'm not afraid of thunder. 02/25/10
A fulele pa'a kavi ti'i... I need a big hammer... 02/25/10
A mataitai havai'i. The plumeria is pretty. 02/23/10
Au matai lani. The gardenias are pretty. 02/23/10
A fupo ipe iluku... That ball is old... 02/23/10
Oku kala ia i'i: ae lolota. Don't talk to me: I'm sewing. 02/23/10
A alule ei ikoa. I'm taking a break for the time being. 02/23/10
Avi i uevolu ape i kava. Where there's smoke there's fire. 02/23/10
Takeke amo i hopu ae mowonu o ia. It's like ashes in your mouth. 02/23/10
A loana lelea ti'i. I appreciate water. 02/23/10
A pataki! A pataki toko! A boy! A strong boy! 02/23/10

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