Kamakawi Baby Names

Expecting? Wondering what to name your soon-to-be little human? Well, look no further, for this page contains a list of every name that exists in Kamakawi. Rejoice!

Below is a list of the letters of Kamakawi. Click on a letter and you'll go to a section that lists every name in Kamakawi that begins with the letter you clicked on. Once you get there, each name will have the following:

  1. The name in Kamakawi's script.
  2. The romanized version of the name.
  3. The sex of the name: male (m), female (f), or unisex (u).
  4. The origin/etymology of the name.
  5. Usage information.
  6. Nicknames, in Kamakawi alphabetical order (if any).
  7. Variants, in Kamakawi alphabetical order (if any).

Feel free to browse at your leisure. Below is the list of letters in Kamakawi alphabetical order, as well as a link to a discussion of last names, name glyphs and affix glyphs in Kamakawi. Click away!

A | P | T | K | E | M | N | I | L | O | F | U | H
Last Names, Name Glyphs and Affix Glyphs


  • Ape (u.) [< ape, "one"] This is a name commonly given to the firstborn child, male or female. Nicknames: Apekape (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Apei (diminutive).

    • Apepe (u.) [< Ape + -pe, "reduplicative suffix"] This is a reduplicated version of the name Ape which emphasizes that the child is the very first born. This is a common name given to the firstborn child when many children are expected. Nicknames: Apepei (diminutive); Apeipei (diminutive); Apeipi (diminutive).

    • Apene (f.) [< Ape + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is a specifically feminine version of the name Ape. Nicknames: Apenei (diminutive).

    • Ape'o (m.) [< Ape + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is a specifically masculine version of the name Ape. Nicknames: Ape'oi (diminutive).

  • Akavo (m.) [?] This is a boy's name that parents give to their sons when they wish for them to become leaders. It's a very popular name. Nicknames: Akavoi (diminutive); Kavo (disyllabic shortening); Kavoi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

  • Ana (m.) [< ana, "duck"] This is a common boy's name. It's commonly associated with boys who are short, stocky and loud-voiced (like Teddy Roosevelt). Nicknames: Anakana (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Anai (diminutive).

    • Anana (m.) [< Ana + -na, "reduplicative suffix"] This is a reduplicated version of the name Ana. It serves to add length to an otherwise short name. Nicknames: Ananai (diminutive); Anainai (diminutive); Anaini (diminutive).

    • Ana'o (m.) [< Ana + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is just the masculine suffix added to the name Ana, mainly to add length. Nicknames: Ana'oi (diminutive).

  • Aya (f.) [?] The name Aya is so revered and so respected that parents are often afraid to give it to their daughters, lest they not live up to the name. Inevitably, when a parent works up the nerve to actually name their daughter Aya, the whole town conspires to make sure that that child lives up to the reputation that the name carries with it. Nicknames: Ayakaya (common nickname formed from the disyllabic shortening); Ayai (diminutive).

    • Ayane (f.) [< Aya + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is a fairly common variant of Aya. The feminine suffix serves to add length to an otherwise short name. Nicknames: Ayanei (diminutive); Ayainei (diminutive); Ayaini (diminutive).

  • Aila (f.) [< aila, "ocean"] This is a slightly uncommon girl's name. It's uncommon because of a superstition that if you name your child after a body of water, they'll leave home forever at the first opportunity. Nicknames: Ailai (diminutive); Lai (disyllabic shortening of diminutive).

  • Alama (m.) [< alama, "sand crab"] This is a boy's name that's commonly associated with toughness, determination and tenacity. Nicknames: Alamai (diminutive); Lama (disyllabic shortening); Lamakama (common nickname formed from the disyllabic shortening); Lamai (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

  • A'i (u.) [< a'i, "white"] This is a rare name given to children of either sex that are more fair-skinned. The name has some negative connotations, since fairer skin is seen as disadvantageous (one who has lighter skin is more likely to be sunburned). This is probably why the name is so rare. Nicknames: A'ika'i (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); A'iki (diminutive).

    • A'ika'i'o (m.) [< A'ika'i + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is a specifically masculine version of one of the nicknames for A'i. This is probably the most common variant of the name A'i. Nicknames: A'ika'i'oi (diminutive).

    • A'ine (f.) [< A'i + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is a specifically feminine version of the name A'i. Nicknames: A'inei (diminutive).

    • A'i'o (m.) [< A'i + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is a specifically masculine version of the name A'i. Nicknames: A'i'oi (diminutive).

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  • Pata (m.) [< pata, "soil"] A very common boy's name, though not particularly interesting (kind of like "John" in English). Nicknames: Patakata (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Patai (diminutive).

    • Patata (m.) [< Pata + -ta, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Pata, the added reduplicative suffix is pretty much just there to add length—to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Patatai (diminutive); Pataitai (diminutive); Pataiti (diminutive).

    • Pata'o (m.) [< Pata + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Common variant of Pata, the added masculine suffix is pretty much just there to add length—again, to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Pata'oi (diminutive); Patoi (diminutive shortening).

  • Pinia (f.) [< pinia, "bird of paradise"] A pretty name for a pretty girl? Why not? I think this is a very nice sounding name, even in English. In Kamakawi, I think it's tops. Plus, the iku ("glyph") looks pretty cool. Nicknames: Piniai (diminutive); Nia (disyllabic shortening); Niai (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Niakia (common nickname formed from the disyllabic shortening).

    • Piniane (f.) [< Pinia + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Common variant of Pinia. This gives it a nice, solid-sounding VCV ending. Nicknames: Pinianei (diminutive); Ane (disyllabic shortening).

    • Piniania (f.) [< Pinia + -nia, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Pinia used mainly with children. Nicknames: Niania (shortening).

  • Polao (m.) [< polao, "blowfish"] This boy's name is so unbelievably unpopular it's hard to imagine any parent ever giving it to their child. Yet, some do. Then again, who's to say what's right and wrong in this place I'm pretending I made up? Nicknames: Polaoi (diminutive); Lao (disyllabic shortening); Laoi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Laokao (common nickname formed from the disyllabic shortening).

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  • Tiki (m.) [< tiki, "red; (flowing) lava"] Though relatively uncommon, the name Tiki is often associated with strength and virility (for unknown reasons)—hence the expression every daughter hears day in and day out: Oku oine ia ie Tiki ape poke mata'u ti ia ima! (Don't go off and marry the first Tiki you see!) Nicknames: Tikikiki (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Tikikikiki (ha, ha, ha! I couldn't help it: the diminutive of the k reduplication).

    • Tiki'o (m.) [< Tiki + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Common variant with the masculine suffix used to add length and weight to the name. Nicknames: none.

  • Toko (u.) [< toko, "strong, strength"] More common as a boy's name than a girl's name, this is given to "tough" kids. Even though it's more common as a boy's name, parents will give this name to their daughter if they want her to be a tough-minded, no-nonsense kind of gal. It's just a name, so it probably doesn't actually do anything, but so it goes. Nicknames: Tokokoko (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Tokoi (diminutive).

    • Takoi (m.) [< Takoi "reflection"] I mention this one here because it's a name used to tease boys named Toko. See, the diminutive of Toko is Tokoi, which kind of sounds like takoi, which means "reflection"—and reflections aren't tough, by any means. They can act like they're tough, but when push comes to shove, they lack substance; they're all talk. Nicknames: Takoiki (diminutive).

    • Tokone (f.) [< Toko + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is more common for girls than just plain Toko. Nicknames: Tokonei (diminutive); Tokoinei (diminutive); Tokoini (diminutive); One (disyllabic shortening); Oni (disyllabic shortening of diminutive).

    • Toko'o (m.) [< Toko + -'o, "masculine suffix"] The big, tough-guy version of Toko. Nicknames: Toko'oi (diminutive); Tokoi (diminutive shortening); O'o (disyllabic shortening).

  • Tou (u.) [< tou, "power, ability, wherewithal"] More common as a girl's name than a boy's name, this is a "wishful thinking" type of name. If a mother desires an assertive, independent daughter, she will often give the daughter the name Tou, hoping it will act as a kind of talisman for the future. And why not? Who wouldn't want to be named Tou, or Max Power? Not I (i.e., I wouldn't not want to). Nicknames: Toukou (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Toui (diminutive).

    • Toune (f.) [< Tou + -ne, "feminine suffix"] For girls, just plain Tou is actually more common than Toune, but this variant pops up every now and again. Nicknames: Tounei (diminutive); Touinei (diminutive); Touini (diminutive); Une (disyllabic shortening); Uni (disyllabic shortening of diminutive).

    • Tou'o (m.) [< Tou + -'o, "masculine suffix"] If a boy is given the name Tou, it's usually Tou'o, because plain Tou is coming to be thought of more and more as a girl's name. Nicknames: Tou'oi (diminutive); Toui (diminutive shortening); U'o (disyllabic shortening).

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  • Kaino (m.) [< kaino, "goose"] "Oh, what a darling name!" says Kaino's grandmother. "What a darling little goose you are!" says Kaino's grandmother. "Let me pinch your little cheeks, you little goose you!" says Kaino's grandmother. You get the idea. Nicknames: Kainoi (diminutive); Noi (disyllabic shortening of diminutive); Ino (disyllabic shortening).

    • Kaino'o (m.) [< Kaino + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Most Kainos preferred to be called Kaino'o, or, even more preferable, the disyllabic shortening No'o (e.g. "Oh, Kaino, my little goose, come give grandma a big kiss!", "My name is No'o, Grandma; don't call me that!"). Nicknames: No'o (disyllabic shortening); No'oko'o (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names).

  • Kawi (u.) [< kawi, "cloud"] A very popular name. Kind of like John. John'll never go out of style. Neither will Kawi. Nicknames: Kawiki (diminutive).

    • Kawine (f.) [< Kawi + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Though Kawi is technically unisex, it's almost always given to boys. Kawine is the most common form of the name Kawi for girls. Nicknames: Kawinei (diminutive).

    • Kawi'o (m.) [< Kawi + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Despite its length, this variant is not as common as plain old Kawi for guys. Nicknames: Kawi'oi (diminutive).

  • Keiki (f.) [< keiki, "dolphin"] A beloved girl's name, until it became too popular. Now with every other girl named Keiki, the name has lost its flair and individuality. Nicknames: Kei (disyllabic shortening); Keikiki (diminutive); Kiki (disyllabic shortening of diminutive).

    • Keikei (f.) [< Kei + -kei, "complete reduplication"] Common variant of Kei, the disyllabic shortening of Keiki. Nicknames: Keikeiki (diminutive).

  • Keva (m.) [< keva, "shark"] As one might expect, this is a stereotypical tough guy name. More often than not, though, those that are given this name end up as artists (much to their parents' chagrin). I say they're better off. Nicknames: Kevai (diminutive); Keivai (an unusual, but nevertheless common diminutive).

    • Kevava (m.) [< Keva + -va, "reduplicative suffix"] Not terribly common variant of Keva. It's usually used with kids. Nicknames: Kevavai (diminutive); Kevaivai (diminutive).

    • Keva'o (m.) [< Keva + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Not extremely common. Nicknames: Kevao (common variant); Fa'o (disyllabic shortening [common amongst older speakers]); Va'o (disyllabic shortening [common amongst younger speakers]); Va'oi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

  • Kinu (m.) [< kinu, "porpoise"] Something like the masculine version of Keiki, Kinu is a fairly popular name—especially amongst parents who believed they were going to have a girl and had their heart set on naming her Keiki. Nicknames: Kinui (diminutive); Nui (disyllabic shortening of diminutive); Nuikui (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names).

    • Kinunu (m.) [< Kinu + -nu, "reduplicative suffix"] Just as common as Kinu. Nicknames: Kinununui (diminutive); Kinuinui (diminutive); Nuinui (diminutive shortening).

    • Kinu'o (m.) [< Kinu + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Not at all common. Nicknames: Nu'o (disyllabic shortening); Nu'oi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

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  • Eini (f.) [< eini, "seal"] Given the fact that the word for "woman" in Kamakawi is eine, it's no secret why this name is so common. Typically, this is a name that mothers and grandmothers love, and daughters hate (possibly for the same reason). An Eini will often complain about not being a Keikithe more highly valued of the marine mammals in Kamakawi culture. Thus, they learn early that life isn't always fair. Nicknames: Einiki (diminutive); Niki (disyllabic shortening of diminutive); Ini (disyllabic shortening).

    • Eine (f.) [< eine, "woman"] It's worth noting here that an Eini will often be teased by lowering the last vowel, changing the word to "woman". The bearer of the name Eini will be very offended by this, which is why many often lengthen the last vowel a bitjust enough for their interlocutor to be sure that they're not insulting her. Nicknames: none.

    • Einini (f.) [< Eini + -ni, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Eini whose nickname version is very popular. Nicknames: Nini (disyllabic shortening).

  • Eyoe (m.) [< eyoe, "white-tailed tropicbird"] Ahhh...the proud and mighty white-tailed tropicbird! So majestic and graceful... Look at it! Everyone look at the beautiful white-tailed tropicbird! Indeed, no one can say anything bad about the white-tailed tropicbird! You should be so lucky as to be named Eyoe! Boys everywhere would kill to have that name! Be grateful, Eyoes of the world: yours is the earth. Nicknames: Eyoei (diminutive); Oe (disyllabic shortening); Oei (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

    • Eyoe(y)o (m.) [< Eyoe + -(y)o, "reduplicative suffix"] The actual reduplication of Eyoe should be Eyoeoe, and the full reduplication should be Eyoe'eyoe. This is neither of those. However, since it seems to sound right, and since it seems to sound like a full reduplication of Eyo, both Eyoeo and Eyoeyo have become common variants of Eyoe. Nicknames: Eyoeoi (diminutive).

    • Eyoe'o (m.) [< Eyoe + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Not very common because it sounds too much like the reduplicated variant (see above). Nicknames: Eyoe'oi (diminutive).

  • Elu (u.) [< elu, "long"] The Kamakawi are not very tall, on average, so tall people (and long babies) stick out. Thus, the name (traditionally despised by children who bear it). Nicknames: Elukelu (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Elui (diminutive).

    • Elune (f.) [< Elu + -ne, "feminine suffix"] The most common version of the name Elu for girls. Nicknames: Elunei (diminutive).

    • Elu'o (m.) [< Elu + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is a surprisingly uncommon masculine version of the name Elu. Nicknames: Elu'oi (diminutive).

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  • Maka (m.) [< maka, "crab"] Similar to Alama, in that it's commonly associated with toughness, tenacity, etc., but not as popular, because longer boys' names are valued more highly. Nicknames: Makai (diminutive); Makakaka (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names).

    • Makaka (m.) [< Maka + -ka, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Maka, the added reduplicative suffix is pretty much just there to add length—to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Makakai (diminutive); Makaikai (diminutive); Makaiki (diminutive).

    • Maka'o (m.) [< Maka + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Common variant of Maka, the added masculine suffix is pretty much just there to add length—again, to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Maka'oi (diminutive); Makoi (diminutive shortening).

  • Mawa (u.) [< mawa, "to swim"] Swimming for the Kamakawi is like cycling for communities where everyone owns a bicycle and rides it a lot. Thus, a name like Mawa is kind of like an English name like "Brock" or "Tank", as those names relate to football (americano). Unlike those names, though, this name works with guys or gals. Nicknames: Mawakawa (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Mawakawai (diminutive of the k reduplication); Mawai (diminutive).

    • Mawane (f.) [< Mawa + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Not really a common variant. Mawa usually does the trick. Nicknames: Mawanene (reduplication); Mawanei (diminutive).

    • Mawawa (u.) [< Mawa + -wa, "reduplicative suffix"] The variant Mawawa is worth mentioning as it's the best (or worst) way to make fun of someone with the name Mawa. Why is that? Because it's homophonous with the word mawawa [< -wa-, "pejorative infix" + mawa, "to swim"] which means "to drown". Children with the name Mawa get angry with their parents at least once in their life for not having the foresight to figure out that their name could be so easily mocked. Nicknames: none.

    • Mawa'o (m.) [< Mawa + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This variant is more common for males than Mawa. Nicknames: Mawa'oi (diminutive); Mawoi (diminutive shortening).

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  • Nevi (u.) [< nevi, "to give"] This name is frequently used by parents who've been trying to get pregnant for quite awhile. There's also a generally misguided notion that those who bear this name will be especially philanthropic, which can lead to problems later on in life. Nicknames: Nevikevi (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Neviki (diminutive).

    • Nevine (f.) [< Nevi + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is a specifically feminine version of the name Nevi. This name is much more commonly given to girls than Nevi. Nicknames: Nevinene (reduplication); Nevinei (diminutive).

    • Nevivi (u.) [< Nevi + -vi, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Nevi, the added reduplicative suffix is pretty much just there to add length—to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Neviviki (diminutive); Fivi (disyllabic shortening).

    • Nevi'o (m.) [< Nevi + -'o, "masculine suffix"] A rather uncommon, though nevertheless attested, masculine version of the name Nevi. Nicknames: Nevi'oi (diminutive); Fi'o (disyllabic shortening).

  • Noe (m.) [< noe, "leaf"] Ever wonder what the Kamakawi equivalent of "Ralph" is? I haven't. Noe is not the Kamakawi equivalent of "Ralph". It's a pretty good name. Natural. Nothing to jump up and down about, I suppose, but what name is? Well, actually, Tou is pretty cool, but Noe's good; Noe's respectable. Nicknames: Noekoe (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Noei (diminutive).

    • Nonoe (m.) [< no- + Noe, "reduplicative prefix"] Extremely common variant of Noe. The nickname Nono is very popular. Nicknames: Nonoei (diminutive); Nono (disyllabic shortening).

    • Noe'o (m.) [< Noe + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This nickname comes as close to not existing as humanly (namingly?) possible. This is what a Noe's greatgrandfather would call Noe. Nicknames: none.

  • Nune (f.) [< nune, "humpback whale"] A mighty name for a mighty girl! Whales bear no negative associations on the Kamakawi islands, so girls are actually fond of this name. Indeed, this name is, dare I say, sexy (consider, after all, the curvaceous nature of the humpback whale). Nicknames: Nunekune (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Nunei (diminutive).

    • Nunene (f.) [< Nune + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is really the only nickname there is, as it doubles with what would be the reduplicated version of Nune. Invariably, the name is spelled with the feminine suffix, and not the reduplicative suffix (probably for aesthetic reasons). Nicknames: Nunenei (diminutive); Nuneinei (diminutive).

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  • Iele (m.) [< iele, "clay"] A common boy's name that's bland and inoffensive. Boys with the name Iele don't get teased. They don't get much of anything, in fact. They tend to blend in and not get noticed. Nicknames: Ielei (diminutive).

    • Ielele (m.) [< Iele + -le, "reduplicative suffix"] A common way to refer to an Iele, because the name has so few nicknames. Nicknames: none.

  • Inivie (f.) [< inivie, "star"] Who wouldn't want to be called "Star", I ask you? Who? No one, that's who! Nicknames: Iniviei (diminutive).

    • Iniviene (f.) [< Inivie + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Not a common variant of Inivie, as it's a bit too much of a mouthful. Nicknames: Inivienei (diminutive); Inivieine (diminutive).

  • Ila (f.) [< ila, "moth"] I hope I'm not the only one who thinks it'd be cool to be named "Moth". If I am, then I'm playing a cruel joke on the imaginary Kamakawi people, because Ila is an intensely popular girl's name. Outrageously popular. Girls have to beat the name Ila off with an inu (stick)! Nicknames: Ilakila (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Ilakilai (diminutive of the k reduplication); Ilai (diminutive).

    • Mila (f.) [< m- + Ila] A very common, very popular variation on Ila. The name derives from the shape of the iku, which looks like mila, even though it isn't. Nicknames: Milai (diminutive); Milakila (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Milakilai (diminutive of the k reduplication).

    • Ilane (f.) [< Ila + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Fairly uncommon variant of Ila. Nicknames: Ilanene (reduplicated form); Ilanei (diminutive).

    • Ilala (f.) [< Ila + -la, "reduplicative suffix"] Fairly common variant of Ila. Nicknames: Ilailai (diminutive); Ilalai (diminutive).

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  • Leya (m.) [< leya, "stone, rock"] A strong boy's name prized by fathers; despised by mothers. Kind of like "Rocky", in English. Nicknames: Leyakeya (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Leyai (diminutive).

    • Leya'o (m.) [< Leya + -'o, "masculine suffix"] A common variant, valued (and loathed) for its masculinity. Nicknames: Leya'oi (diminutive).

  • Loana (f.) [< loana, "appreciated"] A name kind of like Nevi which is bestowed upon a child by grateful parents who either have been waiting a long time to conceive, or who look upon their newborn child as a bit of good luck that's come after a series of unfortunate events. Nicknames: Loanai (diminutive).

    • Loanane (f.) [< Loana + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Uncommon variant of Loana. The diminutive Loananei is more common than Loanane. Nicknames: Loananei (diminutive).

    • Loana'o (m.) [< Loana + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Though Loana is understood to be a girl's name, every so often a parent will give their son the name Loana. In such cases, the child is always called Loana'o, and, more often than not, Na'o. Nicknames: Na'o (disyllabic shortening); Na'oka'o (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names).

  • Love (u.) [< love, "to forgive"] After a particularly strenuous labor, the father will often give this name to the child, in a vain attempt to make up for what he did. It rarely works. Additionally, the child is rarely appreciative of the name, once they learn what it means (and why they were so named). Nicknames: Lovekove (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Lovei (diminutive).

    • Lolove (f.) [< lo- + Love, "reduplicative prefix"] Though there's nothing inherently feminine about this type of reduplication applied to names, this particular name is reserved exclusively for female children. Nicknames: Lolo (disyllabic shortening); Lolovei (diminutive).

    • Lovene (f.) [< Love + -ne, "feminine suffix"] A surprisingly uncommon version of the name Love. Nicknames: Lovenei (diminutive).

    • Love'o (m.) [< Love + -'o, "masculine suffix"] The most common version of this name for male children. Nicknames: Love'oi (diminutive).

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  • Ope (m.) [< ope, "seaweed (generic)"] A common name, until E Ti'a o Eili Kolu (the Time of the Dark Sun), when there was a terrible war fought between the Kamakawi and the Sea People, led by their fearsome leader: Ope. From that day forward, the name Ope became rather uncommon. Nevertheless, after a generation or so, the name started to resurface. The elders who remembered the old tyrant foresaw disaster, so thenceforward, whenever a parent wanted to name their child Ope, the elders would gather round the newborn and perform He'evaka: a ceremony where the elders stare intently at the child and hiss until they pass out. They believed this would rid the child of the curse of the ancient tyrant. More often than not, however, the child would develop an irrational fear of snakes (and/or the elderly). Nicknames: Opekope (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Opei (diminutive).

    • Opepe (m.) [< Ope + -pe, "reduplicative suffix"] An extremely uncommon variant of the name Ope. Nicknames: Opepei (diminutive).

    • Ope'o (m.) [< Ope + -'o, "masculine suffix"] An extremely common variant of the name Ope. Nicknames: Ope'oi (diminutive).

  • Okeo (m.) [< okeo, "coy, secretive, mischievous, clever"] Okeo is a warrior's name. An Okeo may be sneaky and may be secretive, but he's also fierce, loyal and proud. A true hero and gentleman. Nicknames: Oke (disyllabic shortening); Keo (disyllabic shortening).

    • Okeokeo (m.) [< Okeo + -keo, "reduplicative suffix"] Not as common, but it exists. Nicknames: Keokeo (shortening).

  • Oyo (u.) [< oyo, "whine, complain"] Though the word itself is often used pejoratively, the name Oyo is a very popular name. It's given to children of either sex that begin crying without any provocation at birth. This is considered a sign of good luck, and an indication that the child has a strong will, and may one day become a great leader. Nicknames: Oyokoyo (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Oyoi (diminutive).

    • Oyone (f.) [< Oyo + -ne, "feminine suffix"] This is a specifically feminine version of the name Oyo. Nicknames: Oyonene (reduplication); Oyonei (diminutive).

    • Oyoyo (u.) [< Oyo + -yo, "reduplicative suffix"] Common variant of Oyo, the added reduplicative suffix is pretty much just there to add length—to make the name "sound better". Nicknames: Oyoyoi (diminutive); Oyoi'i (diminutive).

    • Oyo'o (m.) [< Oyo + -'o, "masculine suffix"] This is a specifically masculine version of the name Oyo. For males, this name is actually more common than Oyo. Nicknames: Oyo'oi (diminutive); Oyo'i (diminutive shortening).

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  • Fale (m.) [< fale, "grass"] Once considered an elegant name, Fale has fallen out of favor recently because of the misconception that men who bear this name often lose their hair. The reason the misconception exists most likely has to do with the folk theory that the glyph for fale is a picture of hair trying to desperately to escape the head of a man. Though the glyph originally portrayed grass growing out of the ground, folk wisdom is hard to ignore. Nicknames: Falekale (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Falei (diminutive).

    • Falele (m.) [< Fale + -le, "reduplicative suffix"] A simple strategy to make the name longer and sound more pleasing to the ear. Nicknames: Lele (disyllabic shortening); Lelei (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Falelei (diminutive).

    • Favale (m.) [< fa-, "reduplicative prefix", + Fale] Probably the most common version of the name Fale. Nicknames: Fava (disyllabic shortening); Favakava (common nickname formed from disyllabic shortening); Favai (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Favalei (diminutive).

  • Fila (u.) [< fila, "heavy"] The less said about this name, the better. Nicknames: Filakila (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Filai (diminutive).

    • Filane (f.) [< Fila + -ne, "feminine suffix"] For a girl, this is probably the best you can do with the name Fila. Nicknames: Filanei (diminutive).

    • Filala (u.) [< Fila + -la, "reduplicative suffix"] The most common variant of the name Fila. The nickname Lala is even more common. Nicknames: Lala (disyllabic shortening); Lalakala (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Lalai (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Filalai (diminutive).

    • Fila'o (m.) [< Fila + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Man, if you run into a Fila'o, you better be running the other way! Nicknames: none.

    • Fivila (u.) [< fi-, "reduplicative prefix", + Fila] A rarer variant of Fila. Nicknames: Fivi (disyllabic shortening); Fiviki (diminutive of disyllabic shortening); Fivikivi (common nickname formed from disyllabic shortening); Fivilai (diminutive).

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  • Uomo (f.) [< uomo, "moon"] Swear not by the inconstant moon, you say? Not where they speak Kamakawi. As the moon comes and goes like clockwork, girls with the name Uomo are thought of as punctual, neat and reliable—almost persnickety. Fastidious, even. Henry James would dig on this name. Nicknames: Uomoi (diminutive); Momo (reduplicaton of idiosyncratic shortening).

    • Uomone (f.) [< Uomo + -ne, "feminine suffix"] A relatively uncommon variant of Uomo. When it comes to nicknames and variants, Momo is far and away the most common for Uomo. Nicknames: Uomonei (diminutive).

  • Uvo (m.) [< uvo, "swordfish"] A less common, though well-loved, boy's name, commonly associated with athleticism. Nicknames: Uvokuvo (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Uvoi (diminutive).

    • Uvo'o (m.) [< Uvo + -'o, "masculine suffix"] A common variant of Uvo. Nicknames: Fo'o (disyllabic shortening [common amongst older speakers]); Vo'o (disyllabic shortening [common amongst younger speakers]); Vo'oi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

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  • Hala'i (u.) [< hala'i, "life"] This is a name often given to miracle babies (e.g. if the parents had been trying to get pregnant for many, many years without any luck, or if the child had complications at birth and barely survived). As we all learned from that second season 21 Jump Street episode, it's probably not a good idea to think of your child as a miracle, let alone to name them something like Hala'i. First, it puts too much pressure on them to succeed, and second, it can lead to book burning—just ask Johnny Depp. Heed my warning! Or don't; it's totally up to you. Nicknames: Hala (disyllabic shortening); Halakala (common nickname formed from the disyllabic shortening); Halai (diminutive of disyllabic shortening or simplification of the full name).

    • Hala'ine (f.) [< Hala'i + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Rather common variant of Hala'i for girls. Nicknames: Hala'inei (diminutive).

    • Hala'i'o (m.) [< Hala'i + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Unbelievably uncommon (and rather pretentious-sounding) variant of Hala'i for boys. Nicknames: Hala'i'oi (diminutive).

  • Huna (u.) [< huna, "silent"] Kind of a companion to the name Oyo, this name is given to quiet children. Every so often a baby is born that doesn't cry; barely makes a sound. He or she just looks around, takes in the surroundings, and ponders. This is the kind of child the name Huna is given to. Nicknames: Hunakuna (common nickname strategy for disyllabic names); Hunai (diminutive).

    • Hunane (f.) [< Huna + -ne, "feminine suffix"] Common variant of Huna for girls. The diminutive Hunanei is even more common. Nicknames: Hunanei (diminutive).

    • Huna'o (m.) [< Huna + -'o, "masculine suffix"] Not very common variant of Huna for boys. Nicknames: Huna'oi (diminutive).

  • Huoyu (m.) [< huoyu, "cricket"] According to tradition, only one living male can bear this name. There's nothing particularly special about it (crickets are kind of a pest), other than this tradition, whose origin has been forgotten. Nevertheless, because of the tradition, this name is highly desirable. Whenever it appears that the current Huoyu is on his way out, so to speak, eager parents try to fix it so that the death of the current Huoyu coincides (to the extent possible) with the birth of their child, so that, if the timing is right (and their child is male), they can be the proud parents of the next Huoyu. Nicknames: Huoyui (diminutive); Huo (disyllabic shortening); Huoi (diminutive of disyllabic shortening).

    • Huoyuyu (m.) [< Huoyu + -yu, "reduplicative suffix"] A simple strategy to make the name longer and, if possible, more pretentious. Nicknames: Yuyu (disyllabic shortening); Huoyuyui (diminutive).

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Last Names and Name Glyphs

As is the case with many languages, Kamakawi folk have last names. What for? Well, what if you come across two people with the same name—say, two Alama's? What would you do? Nothing you could do, without last names: they would legally be the same person. But, since last names exist, this paradoxical consequence can be avoided.

According to legend (which, as you well know, is always accurate), the Kamakawi descended from ten tribes. These ten tribes each had a name, and these names became the last names of the present-day Kamakawi. Here they are in Kamakawi alphabetical order:

  • A'iki
  • Ponuokata
  • Tayokeva
  • Katava
  • Eikevui
  • Nokuki
  • Inivili
  • Leyatiki
  • Foutapilo
  • Hakakalana

So if a given Alama has parents descended from the Katava tribe, his name would be Alama Katava. If there happens to be two Alama's whose parents descended from the Katava tribe, then you list them by the name of their mother. For example, if one of them has a mother named Eini, then his full name would be Alama Katava Tieini (the genitive preposition ti attaches directly to the name). If both of these guys' mothers' names are Eini, then you go back a generation, and so on, until the two are properly distinguished.

In writing, even first names can be further distinguished. Parents (and children themselves) will embellish their names with flourishes or extra marks here and there. The glyphs listed above, in a way, are just the starting point. Here are some examples:

In addition to putting the "feminine" suffix glyph after a name, the variant of Ape shown above has part of the character for "woman" attached to the glyph for Ape. The next is Keiki, which has a little cross on the middle line and an extra flourish up at the top. The name Love has a little hat similar to Ape in the third picture. The fourth is an example of Maka, which has been ridiculously embellished, so that the midline is crossed, the crab has extra "claws", there are antennae, and little caps in each of the four directions. All of this is dependent upon the whim of the parents, recall, so they can be as complex as Maka there, or as simple as Polao, the last one, which simply has an added line across in the middle of the character.

Finally, there are glyph equivalents of the suffixes and prefixes mentioned above. Some of these function in Kamakawi grammar, but others (e.g. the masculine and feminine suffixes) are used primarily in names. Additionally, some affixes or processes have no glyph equivalent. Disyllabic shortenings are merely nicknames and have no written variant (save that they can be spelled out with the syllabary).

Below is a list of each of the affixes used in names and the glyph (or glyphs) which corresponds to it:

  • -'o
  • -ne
  • (C)V(C)-
  • -CV
  • -(k)i
  • -kVCV*

Thus, a full name, might look something like what you see below:

This name is Oyo'o Foutapilo Tiayane.

* Note: The vowel in the k glyph used in this suffix corresponds to the vowel in the first syllable of the name. The example shown above is how the suffix would look attached to a name whose first vowel is a.

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This little paragraph has been added to let the reader know that though the structure of this page is complete, names will be added infrequently (or sometimes even frequently) from now until the time I lose interest in ice cream (and I like ice cream). So check back every so often, see if the page has been updated, and if it has, you can check out the new name(s). And, of course, if anyone ever names one of their children with a Kamakawi name, give me a shout, and I'll put up baby pictures.

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