The LCC3 Relay
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Relay Summary
Below you'll find the texts from the various relay participants. Click on the title of each row to jump to the full write-up of the text you're reading.
1. Kamakawi by David Peterson | |
Tiku ie avame, U'upi i aila poiu. A fulele ei e U'upi i aila poiu. Uila oloko o'i, U'upi i aila poiu. Mata i eneta li eine, U'upi i aila poiu. |
Standing on the shore; Drifting out to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting out to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting out to sea. I watch my wife's boat, Drifting out to sea. |
2. Silindion by Elliott Lash | |
Ud, ëas' ini noskénëavi, Vë inoska sulos. Manda voma. Sunu sinti mandasya 'më sulophi, noskani sulos, imanda voma. Id naksi maissiasya ovi, nóskëa sulos. Në manda voma. Tilda muinón ehya liovi Inoska sulos, si manda voma. |
'Behold there, I am beside the shore, while the ocean crashes. It drifts away. I want to drift away on the ocean the crashing ocean, drifting away. There are all my dreams, upon it that the ocean is crushing. And it drifts away. Seeing the ship of my wife, the ocean crashing, I drift away.' |
3. Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen | |
Sur rzypie marze flaru stu, Maż łu obocie sie, dziewłyje... Par marz przęduty szer wołu, En wędzie flarze si dziewłyjer. Nąk tucie sonia mie są iłu, En wędar flarar le dziewłyję. O barka surjemaciej gwardu, Nieenwrzenita. I dziewłyje. |
I'm standing at the shore of the wild sea, It hits the shore and floats away... I want to be taken by the sea, Into the wild waves I would float away... For all my dreams belong to it, In the wild waves they float away. I'm watching the boat of my beloved, Uncurbed. And float away. |
4. Ayeri by Carsten Becker | |
Ang bengay malingya karonena hogo, Nay ang manga varkayon sintoye, mangasara metidatong... Noyang ang pahiyo karon yas, Ya mangasara metidongyas manga kong sintoye hogo. Yanoyam manganyeang-hen nā ku-adanyās, Ya mangasara metidatong manga kong sintoye hogo. Ya silvyang hogo trapas tyaisa, Nay mangasara metidayang. |
I stand at the wild sea shore, And the waves are crashing, they float away... I want that the sea takes me away, I would be swept away into the wild waves. Because all my dreams are like that, They float away into the wild waves. I look fiercely at the beloved boat, And float away. |
5. Classical Arithide by Eugene Oh | |
Dendrynnaikoi kisgum ādoi thūstēn dās, vārāntetam nagutē tūrā... Ādōis henavōndo sē, ita baikūis nagirūis tūrai. Er des elīmeis pan sinnē halsei, baikuī naguītē tūrai. Fyrannur ismīgelor almente gato, tūrai. |
I stand by the shore of the stormy sea, and the waves break, and flow away... Would that the sea take me, that I would drift away in wild waves. For all my dreams have met with that fate too, washed away by wild waves. I gaze passionately at my beloved for the last time, and drift away. |
6. Kēlen by Sylvia Sotomayor | |
la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rājapēxa; la jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rājapēxa; ñi nāra lemōra ñi antāoni antāλi rājapēxa; se jīxōsa cī ānen anwālte annāra il anpēxeni ī ñi rājapēxa; |
I am at the edge of the stormy sea, and the breaking waves retreat away. This is a good thing, the wild waves retreat away. All my dreams become the wild waves retreat away. Let's passionately look again a final time [they] retreat away. |
7. Sabasasaj by Alex Fink | |
Khukadaltaih jambu gi igu khulinsin, pagih luasuuta withjaumuh sabi ir. Ausuuuil, mimiuriai withjaumuh sabi ir. Puanaa talas tuhiuni, mimiuriai withjaumuh sabi ir. Danta bathainnu ba liwdau kharapaphinus mu mia thiiuni, withjaumuh sabi ir. |
I sit by the side of the stormy sea, whose broken-to-pieces waves have gone away. There is some good in this, that the wilful waves have gone away. All of this was my dream, that the wilful waves have gone away. Overcome with emotion, I mean to see it again one last time, that the waves have gone away. |
8. Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii | |
"Ven'Pajhúm" Pas kemavni vilo'caruman 'sa esecon cashaev dovae'das k'. Pas movni ven'pajhúm 'sa cchishaevon doyeg aejírith k'. Vo ven'om 'sa ghya krith'tanijo k', t'ves veni 'yu chipal'grelle. Esni odhílev n'edh nom: pas movni ven'krith tanijo pajhúm k'. Vek'doyáldaevon domasheivon pajhúm k', én'i ne mlec aejilórid. Sholdavni ne kénon don'o doyeg kilésh, t'vet pas movni ven'pajhúm. |
"Into the Waves" I sat near the ocean, which was crashing all around. I went into the waves, which broke forcefully. I went into the uncontrollable waves, and it pleased me somewhat. I am dreaming all this: I went into the uncontrollable waves. When the waves advance and recede, I feel their strength. I want to see it far out, so I went into the waves. |
9. gjâ-zym-byn by Jim Henry | |
čârm ol ƴâ-zô pwĭm-daj-źa ij θâŋ-twâl-van, tyn lŏ i klâl-vĭj-van te. čârm ol ƴâ-Ḱ-zô, gâ-lŏ mĭ-i ĝyl-van ĝân-bô. te ŝu-i ĝyl mĭ-i dy-cô-faj heŋ ŋĭn-i; te kâ-i pwĭ-Ḱ-van. čârm mĭ-i źy-Ḱ-van, hŏŋ čârm ĝân-bô ol ƴâ-zô. vĭj lŏ i ruŋ-ra-van Ḱŏ vo-ho te, te ŝu-i ĝân kâ-i žâw-Ḱ-van. ŋe kâ-i sru-van rĭm-van, tyn kŏ ir, kiň čârm ol ƴâ-zô. |
I went through the waves I sat near the sea, where it goes on crashing. I went through the waves, which break violently. Their breaking is irresistable; I enjoy it. I dream about the waves, that I went through them. When they go forward and backward, I feel their intensity. I want to see it, far from here, and go through the waves. |
Jim Henry's smooth translation of Asha'ille | |
I went through the waves I sat near the ocean where it crashes continually. I went into the fiercely breaking waves. Their crashing is uncontrollable, and I enjoy it. I dream thus about them: I went through the uncontrollable waves. When the waves repeatedly advance and recede, I feel their strength. I want to see it afar, and go through the waves. | |
10. Labarion by Lars Finsen | |
"Saltat trei tonnus" Diu oinu seðtu onco mori in lege bristiio. Rettu trei tonnon io octu bristi. Indiretous bue, lubissur. Exlenciur tonnon treiio ressu andebrisaunu. Teðmisiu eio brisaunon do aivi. Mendu troget in son lagon pellon etic saltat trei tonnus. |
"Moving through the waves" One day I sat in front of the see where it was breaking. I ran through a wave breaking violently. It was irresistible, I loved it. I dream of a wave that I can run through as it breaks strongly. I will feel its breaking forever. I wish to return to that remote place and move through the waves. |
11. Tenata by Lila Sadkin | |
Loximincumislu locenyomi rutasenci sosel watife slatus. Rute sokesetemi tixoriliximinimi rufolsami wamosfe jisces temi kalexulu tiksamulmi wamosfe. Sosel rutsorimaci qaxomosfe ksim rujimetisping fisel waxomosfe seltus. Sosel rulesakalang mute sosel kalexulang rukesetemi tiximiniksamulang ximxotinic telang waxomosfe. Sosel rumisaci folximinimi lopenonlu. Mungowalang kawusaslefimlu ruforinci tin kalexulang rukesetelu tifucelang sosel ximxotinic seltus. |
On one day at the shattering-sea place, I sat. The wave perhaps painfully broke, ran. I did not resist, but I enjoyed it, I know. I dream that I run shatteringly through the wave. I feel its breaking always. To return to this distant place and to move through the wave, I wish. |
12. Vašt î Kûvik by Kelvin Jackson | |
Môg tâšî kam da kû kam ka dveh. Ol šlovik ôg kû î kâš si o tekr môg. Môg nyen âtra krî ol, a plisô ol môg. Môg spâc ol tl môg lâoft težl šlovik ôg kû. Tl to kâš si o yâš môg ka sr ka. Oft rok môg û câz dalok fî a težl šlovik ôg kû. |
I began to sit at the beginning of the water one time. A wave that was breaking itself down went over me. I did not try to resist, and I was pleased. I dreamed that I was running through the hill of water (wave). I feel that it breaks itself down at each moment now. If only I could go to that place far away again and go through the waves. |
13. Kapakwonak by Jeff Burke | |
e:sʸa sʸenʷoatʸekomʷohoka:kʸehetʷaosʸe:wakʸepemʷo. yawa:kʸemʷoe:fenʸepemʷotʸe na panʷomekehma:wemepemʷotʸekʸe. sʸemʷatkoye:pakʸepemʷome na papesa:sʸekʸekʸemʷotʸe. mʸeko hʸehpe:kʸekʸemʷotʸe : sopepʸa:yawa:kʸekʸepemʷotʸe. mʷae:femetʸe , matʷonʸepemakʸeke:ometʸe. sʸeso:pʸasʸekonoseotame:yeyawa:kʸekʸeke:otʸe. |
One day I began to sit down near the water. A wave broke and he went alongside me upon the surface. I did not try to resist him and I was made happy. This I dreamed: I was taken away by the wave. As he breaks, I continously feel him. I might go and go very far from here by the wave. |
Jeff Burke's smooth translation of Vašt î Kûvik | |
I started to sit at the water one day. A wave which broke went past me on the surface. I did not try to resist and I was pleased. I dreamed that I was carried away by the wave. As it breaks, I feel it at every moment. I might continue to go very far from here by the wave. | |
14. Pitak by Matt Haupt | |
Li pisu na mul kiso funefemu. En molfos kotiko i a mol fimilu pumo. Li tepo molfous netokwa i ama nami tilwato. Li meno onos moulfosi pumisu puma. Wo la tiko, li komanu kuso. A molfos komanu moso sapwa i pumisu teko. |
Once, I sat near the sea A wave broke the water swept over me. I tried not the fight the wave and this made me happy. I dreamt about the waves sweeping me away. When it broke I felt it continuously. The wave went on and on and took me far away. |
15. mërèchi by Amanda Furrow | |
íclë lielúc tënëtëpémëv'a. raplièl tëlalilitànsöv'n, të lièl àc tëmëapàsav'n. raplièlic katëküartëtëhév'a, të tëtyraisödàfav'a. tínyëv'a à nëdipasàpia'art ànëdi raplièlannö apatívba. lítac tëlalilitànsöp'n, sëlàpiac ùngë àcash tëshàpüp'a. raplièl tëtérasav'n të àc tàpatlicav'n. |
Once I sat near the ocean. A wave broke, and water swept over me. I did not try to fight against the wave, and I was made happy. I dreamed about the coming near to me of the waves from far away. When it broke, I felt its stroke on me the whole time. The wave could travel, and it took me far away. |
16. K'tlê by Jeff Jones | |
niôtepzaz tînno zano' tîklozatl, zenko zantacîmozto. leohoepzô t'hazatl, tacîm k'hênaka. leohoepzô k'katêônatl k'lanit'pata. k'zohla k'zipateaz leohoepzoin zano' k'halzina. t'hazê, k'xazômê kiazzonkêhaz. hemok'tip'tli leohoepzô kiaclôpa hîk'mazza zano' halzipa. |
"A Child's Story" "Once, I was sitting near an ocean." "As a wave broke, saltwater passed over me." "Not fighting the wave, I was made joyful." "I dreamed about waves approaching me from far away." "While they were breaking, I felt them stroking me." "Being able to travel, a wave carried me far away." |
Jeff Jones's smooth translation of mârèchi | |
"Once, I was sitting near an ocean." "A wave broke, and water passed over me." "I didn't try to fight the wave, and was made joyful." "I dreamed about waves approaching me from far away." "While it was breaking, I felt it stroking me." "A wave was able to travel and it carried me far away." | |
17. Kamakawi by David Peterson | |
"Ikeve'a Timali" I keve'ave'a, ka kupi ei foe leveya, Feya nemile; ono levea i'i, Kae eleale'u ei ke pote'u tiu feya. Ke oloko ti'i kana u feya poku na'u ie Nimile; ka kopu'u uamo i'i oiku fanevane i'i, Ku upile i'i heva, kae na'u i eleumi. |
"A Child's Story" Once upon a time, I was sitting by the sea, The dying waves; the salt water above me, It made me happy that the waves didn't fight me. I dreamt of myself near the waves that were far away from Dying; I felt them as they massaged me, And floated me away, and I was far away from everything. |