The LCC Relay

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Conlang Translation Relays

List of Participants in All Previous Relays

This page has largely been copied over from Jan van Steenbergen's page, which can be found here. I've done little to change it, save cleaning up the html, incorporating it into my site's overall design, fixing some punctuation here and there, and updating it with some of the more recent relays. The descriptions of relays 1-13 are Jan's, as is the information regarding the participants of those relays. I'm responsible for the relays after the 13th. Below, modulo what's been detailed in this paragraph, is Jan's page:

Several relays have been played in the past. Here follows a short list:

  • The First Conlang Relay, a.k.a. the "Starling Song" relay. It took place in the Summer of 1999 and was led by Irina Rempt (can also be found here).

  • The Second Conlang Relay, entitled "Wisdom of Bast", took place in the Autumn of 1999 and was led by Sally Caves. (Note: Archived version is here.)

  • The Third Conlang Relay, entitled "Bliss of a Fairy", took place in the Spring of 2000 and was led by Nicole Perrin. The link is broken, but we all hope it will be restored one day. (Regrettably, this link is broken. Go here to take a look at the last known version of it [special thanks to for this!]).

  • The Fourth Conlang Relay, officially named the "The Tenth anniversary Conlang Relay" but better known as the "Magical Egg Relay", took place in the Summer of 2001. It consisted of two separated texts, by Shreyas Sampat and H.S. Teoh. (Here's an archived version of Relay 4.)

  • The First Planetpii relay is not included in the "official" numbering, but is worth mentioning anyway. It took place in the Winter 2001-2002 and was led by Jonathan North Washington. (Note: Archived version can be found here.)

  • The Fifth Conlang Relay "From the book of chaos" took place in the Winter 2001-2002. Irina Rempt was relay master with a text written by Patrick Dunn.

  • The Sixth Conlang Relay "Concerning the stars" took place in the Spring and Summer of 2002 and was led by Nik Taylor.

  • Relay no. 6½ was organised in another group, although several of the participants appear also in other relays. It was led by Mike Ellis. (This site also appears to have been deleted. Thanks [again] to, you can see the 2005 version of the page here. It may be the case that this relay was never fully webified).

  • The Seventh Conlang Relay took place in the Summer-Autumn of 2002 and was led by Bob Greenwade. The schedule is here.

  • Relay no. 7½ was organised by the same group as no. 6½. It took place in the same period as Relay no. 7 and was led by Natalia Laurila. Unfortunately, this relay was never concluded, and the results were never published.

  • Conlang Translation Relay no. 8, based on the text "ikt mallsheuronrelguz" by Pete Bleackley, took place in May 2003.

  • The Ninth Conlang Relay, a.k.a. "Borromean Relay", took place in the Spring of 2004 on the text "Thinking about Winter" by Amanda Babcock (now Furrow). Click here for the schedule.

  • Conlang Translation Relay no. 10/R, the "Olympic Relay", took place in the Summer of 2004 and was led by Jan van Steenbergen. Because of the different rules between Romlangs and non-Romlangs, the two categories are listed separately below as "10" and "10r".

  • Conlang Relay no. 11, nicknamed "The Primordial Soup Relay" (and also by some the "Cursed Relay") was run at the beginning of 2005 by Irina Rempt. What made this relay different from others is that the relay text was a recipe.

  • Conlang Relay no. 12 took place in the Summer of 2005 and was run by Jeffrey Henning. Its official name was the "Scheduleless Relay", because instead of working with a schedule, the torch went to the first person who expressed an interest in it. It has not officially been concluded or published yet, but some preliminary results can be found behind the link.

  • Conlang Relay no. 13 took place early 2006 and was mastered by Henrik Theiling. A very interesting relay, featuring cats turning into ravens and cougars, boys turning into boxing gloves and postmen, and buses turning into carriages and ships.

  • Conlang Relay no. 14 took place late in 2006 and early 2007, and was mastered by Henrik Theiling. Read each leg of the relay, and watch, as a bride and groom transform into unbetrohed men and women, and then, miraculously, back into a bride and groom!

  • The LCC2 Relay took place in May and June of 2007. Unlike previous relays, this relay was unveiled live at LCC2, adding to the fun.

  • The First Inverse Relay took place between June and August of 2007. Inverse relays have different rules from ordinary relays. Instead of receiving the torch in someone else's conlang and passing on a version translated into one's own conlang, participants in the inverse relay received texts translated into their own conlangs by the previous participant. They then decoded the text in their own language (and sent notes back about errors, etc. to the previous participant), and translated it into a language created by the following participant. This relay was an experiment, so the number of participants was small, but all agreed that it was a great success.

  • Conlang Relay 15 began on March 31, 2008, and took its time winding up. Participants gave it a lot of names, including the Cursed Relay, due to all the delays and dropouts, but it ended up with the name "The Dancing Out of Time Relay".

  • Conlang Relay 16 took place in the fall of 2008 and took less than a month to complete. This relay was unique, because John Quijada, creator of Ithkuil, who had heretofore not participated in a relay, provided the translation text. For this reason, an appropriate name for this relay seems to me to be the Ithkuil Relay.

  • The LCC3 Relay took place in February and March of 2009. The results of this relay were revealed live at LCC3 (and perhaps I'll say more about it after it actually happens).

  • The Second Inverse Relay took place in 2009, for the most part, though it dragged on a bit until 2010. The text involved a journey of some sorts—and trading and people from across the ocean. It was fun!

  • Conlang Relay 17 took place in the early part of 2010. It was quite a large relay, with four full rings, and featured a truly bizarre text about man turning against beast, and then beast turning against man—with a thousand others to help. The relay continued on fairly well, but the relay master never translated the texts that got to him. The relay participants together put most of their information on the FrathWiki page, but due to its uncertain conclusion, this relay came to be known as the Unfinished Relay.

Below, the asterisk (*) indicates that the participant acted as relay master, and/or that the original relay text was written in the language in question (i.e. if a relay's name has an asterisk by it, then the named individual to the left acted as relay master for that relay; if a language name has an asterisk by it, it was used to compose the relay text in question). Names are listed in alphabetical order by first (or only) name. The languages (both in the "Language" and "Languages Followed" columns) are listed chronologically, rather than alphabetically. Where an "r" is listed after a relay number, the romlang ring of the relay specifically is being indicated. Inverse relays shall be numbered differently, since they are a different type of relay. The first shall be 1i, the second 2i, etc.

Name Language(s) Used Relays Participated In Languages Followed
Adam Parrish Doraya 1, 2 Asiteya, Pfinnapex
Adam Walker Graavgaaln (5-6), Carrajena (8-9, 10r, 11-12, 13r, 14-15, 17), Tvern El (17) 5, 6, 8, 9, 10r, 11, 12, 13r, 14, 15, 17 Megdevi, Vaior, Silindion, kasano, Wenedyk, Da Mätz se Basa, Rokbeigalmki, Entrelenga, Þrjótrunn, Khangaþyagon, Neimalu, Vašt î Kûvik
Aidan Aannestad Aitoliste LCC2 Asha'ille
Aidan Grey Aelya 4 Uatakassí
Alex Fink pjaukra (8, 9, 10), Sabasasaj (LCC2, LCC3), Ājat he-Heloun (16) 8, 9, 10, LCC2, 16, LCC3 Carrajena, Meghean, Darynese, Skerre, Pinuyo, Kēlen
Amanda Babcock Furrow Toma Heylm (7, 10, 12-13), mërèchi (8, 9*, 10-11, 13-14, LCC3), Mirexu (15-17), Alurhsa (2i) 7, 8, 9*, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, LCC3, 2i, 17 Obrenje, narethanaal, Nindic, Proto-Drem, Tæĺf, Kēlen, Epiq, Ilaini, Carrajena, Calénnawn, Vozgian (x2), Khangaþyagon, Old Draconic, Kapakwonak, mërèchi, iljena
Amber Adams Cenlatorre 6, 9 Uatakassí, Taruven
Amelia Champion Ziotaki 7, 8 Géarthnuns (?), Wenedyk
And Rosta Livagian 5, 9 Eloshtan, Atlantic
Andreas Johansson Tairezazh (4), Meghean (9-10) 4, 9, 10 Iltârer, Khangaþyagon, Zhyler
Andrej Šuc Laefèvëši 17 Zesovian
Andrew Smith Brithenig (1-3, 9, 10r), Khamtra (P), Vayaun (10) 1, 2, 3, P, 9, 10, 10r Doraya, Uatakassí, Seinunjdjé, Gjarrda (Kayatal), Carrajena, Mágikimnaz, Jovian
Ángel Serrano Aingeljã 10r, 12, 13r Narbonósc, Etora, Limciela
Apollo Hogan Chrol 10 Ilaini
Arthaey Angosii Asha'ille (7½, 8-11, 13, LCC2, 16, LCC3), Kamakawi (1i*, 2i), Lhenazi (17) 7½, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, LCC2, 1i, 16, LCC3, 2i, 17 Ebisedian, Sherall, mërèchi, Evíendadhail, Silindion, Tatari Faran, Greek Sans Flexions, Asha'ille, Kēlen, Sabasasaj, Mirexu
Ashperhaps irithaic 14 Anmur
B. Maloney Praxian 4 Ebisedian
Ben Hassan Şärsâ 17 Angosey
Benct Philip Jonsson Slvanjec (10r), Mærik (12-13, 15) 10r, 12, 13, 15 Jelbazech, Minza, mabri, Terkunan
Bob Greenwade Rav Zarruvo 6, 7* Kar Marinam, Teonaht (?)
Boudewijn Rempt Denden 2, 3 Tokana, Brithenig
Carlos Perez Mesogeoika 13 Khangaþyagon
Carlos Thompson Chleweyish 1, 3 Brithenig, Denden
Carrie Schutrick Callis Chrisist
Carsten Becker Ayeri 14, 15, LCC3, 17 Old Albic, Regimonti, Wenedyk, SIAL
Chris(topher) Chrisist 6½, 7½ Antariano, Ilaini
Chris Peters Ricadh 1 Nzva
Christian Thalmann Obrenje (P, 6-7, 8-10, 13), Jovian (7½, 10r, 11, 13r, 14), Oro Mpaa (9) P, 6, 7, 7½, 8, 9, 10r, 11, 13, 13r, 14 Tjh, narethanaal, Verdurian (2x), Sturnan, Kalon, Ŝerał, Talarian (2x), Carrajena, Wenedyk, Kharos S'Fik, Njaama
Christian Köttl Escinet 13, 14 Kardii, mërèchi
Christophe Grandsire Moten (1), Chasm"o"cho (2), Narbonósc (10r) 1, 2, 10r Kerno, Gbwia, Limciela
Christopher B. Wright Sturnan (6, 8-10), Tallefkuel (7), Sindarin (11) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Askaic, Kelen (2x), Germanech, Kosi, Klingon
Clayton Rodrigo Cardoso Mabri (P, 13-14, 16-17), Entrelenga (13r), twisspraak (14) P, 13, 13r, 14, 16, 17 Obrenje, Kerno, Taruven, Kamakawi, Escinet, Kash, Laefèvëši
Clint Jackson Baker Kayasanoda 6 Sturnan
D. Tse OrCo 4, 5 Eviendádhail, Ilaini
Dan Jones Arvorec (4), Jelbazech (10r) 4, 10r Etábnanni, Ibran
Daniel Andreasson Cein 4 Mungayöd
Daniel Bowman Angosey 17 Terkunan/Tirkunan
Daniel Seriff Mungayöd (3-4), Glïzxföösee (4) 3, 4 Uatakassí, Czirehlat, Tairezazh
David Bell ámman îar 4, 5 Tokana, Teonaht
David Edwards Feayran 17 Khangaþyagon
David Peterson Megdevi (4-6), Zhyler (6, 8, 10, 11), Kamakawi (6-7, 9, 13-14, LCC2*, 15, 16, LCC3*, 17), Kelenala (9), Epiq (10), Njaama (14), gjâ-zym-byn (1i), Kēlen (2i) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, LCC2*, 1i, 15, 16, LCC3*, 2i, 17 Teonaht, OrCo, Géarthnuns, Evíendadhail, Zitwbata, Tallefkuel, Ziotaki, Darynese, Tirelat, Rokbeigalmki, Metes, Tatari Faran, Ikanirae Seru, iljena, Larash Yawakh, Esperanto, Kamakawi, Labarion, Ithkuil, K'tle, Skerre
David Starner Ŝerał (Sherall) 8, 9 Xara, Nesheti
David Stokes Diom 4 Kēlen
Deiniol Jones Sχáskari 17 Calénnawn
Dennis Paul Himes Gladilatian 2, 4 Ilaini, Arvorec
Dirk Elzinga Tepa 3 Jameld
Doug Ball Skerre 5, LCC2, 17 Tasratal, Kēlen, Rejistanian
Douglas Koller (a.k.a. Kou) Géarthnuns 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (?), 8 Mungayöd, OrCo, Deden, Obrenje, Toma Heylm (?), Rokbeigalmki
Elliott Lash Silindion (4, 7-8, 11, 13-16, LCC3, 17), Jelardin (5), Nindic (6, 9, 14), Asha'ille (1i) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 1i, 15, 16, LCC3 Yivríndil, Vaior, Yivrian, Tirelat, Rhean, Slezan, Old Albic, Old Tükwäi, Regimonti, Darynese, Silindion, Khangaþyagon, Vallés, Kamakawi, Prevli
Eric W. Inagalasi 11 Thalassan
Estel Telcontar Ikanirae Seru 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 Uatakassí, Teonaht, Sturnan, Aganean, Yivrian
Eugene Oh Dethric (13), Classical Arithide (15, 16, LCC3, 17), Zesovian (17) 13, 15, 16, LCC3, 17 Mesogeoika, Tauro-Piscean, Kamakawi, Ayeri, Ithkuil, Buruya Nzaysa
Exu Yangi Fox P Khamtra
Fabian De-l'isle Demuan 1, 2 Arovën, Elet Anta
Frank George Váloczy Dalmatian 4 Rokbeigalmki
G. Nicholas D'Andrea Foaji 14 Toki Pona
G.V. Pieterson Neimalu 14-17 Nindic, Prevli, Old Albic, Tariatta
Gábor Sándi Tundrian 10r Slvanjec
Geijss Streijde Old Draconic 15 Nesheti
Geoff Eddy Breathanach 10 Germanech
George Baker Esperanto LCC2 Tenata
H. S. Teoh Ebisedian (Ebisedi) (4, 6, 6½, 7, 7½, 9), Tatari Faran (11, 13) 4*, 6, 6½, 7, 7½, 9, 11, 13 Lyanjen, Megdevi, Bac, Yivrian, Wenedyk, Obrenje, Xara, Da Mätz se Basa
Henrik Theiling Tyl Sjok (4-5), Qþyn|gài/Q'en|gài (10-11), Da Mätz se Basa (11-12, 13*), Þrjótrunn (14), Terkunan/Tirkunan (15-17) 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14*, 15, 16, 17 Eloshtan, Livagian, Breathanach, Nesheti, Darynese (2x), Minza, Mærik, gjâ-zym-byn, Kash, Ayeri, Old Tükwäi, Classical Arithide
Herman Miller Gjarrda [Kayatal] (3), Czirehlat/Tirelat (4-7, 9, 16-17), Minza (12-14) 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 Kerno, Zhyler, Rišuli, Rokbeigalmki, Ebisedian, Wenedyk, Θywǵø, Taruven, Terkunan, Ayeri
Irina Rempt Ilaini (Valdyan) 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6½, 7, 7½, 9, 10, 11* Demuan, Draseleq, Dublex, Gladilatian, Oa-sa, Kēlen, Callis, Seinundjé, Bac, mërèchi, Ikanirae Seru
Jake X Lenmoct 8 Géarthnuns
James Campbell Jameld 3 Chleweyish
James O'Connell Elenyo 4 ámman îar
James Worlton Orēlynna 9 Kar Marinam
Jan Strasser Buruya Nzaysa, Ndok Aisô 17 Lhenazi, Silindion
Jan van Steenbergen Hattic (6, 7), Askaic (6), Wenedyk (7½, 8, 9, 10*, 10r*, 11-15, LCC3, 17), Slezan (9, 10r, 13), Vozgian (13, 15-17), Slovianski (16) 6, 7, 7½, 8, 9, 10*, 10r*, 11, 12, 13, 13r, 14, 15, 16, LCC3, 17 Ebisedian, Nindic, Rhean (2x), Jovian, Khangaþyagon, Brithenig, Asha'ille, Obrenje, Qþyn|gài, Kerno, Regimonti, Tundrian, Fith, Da Mätz Se Basa, Volapük, Kēlen, Dethric, gjâ-zym-byn, Talarian, Mirexu, Rokbeigalmki, Taruven, Silindion, Azurian, Sχáskari
Jashan A'al (a.k.a. Phurrball) Etora 12 nala na ti ka'i
Jeff Burke Proto Central Mountain, Kapakwonak LCC2, LCC3 Gaajan, Vašt î Kûvik
Jeff Jones 'Yemls (4, 6, 10, 15), Vallés (10r, 11, 16), Naisek (14, LCC2, 15, 16), K'tle (LCC3), SIAL (17) 4, 6, 10, 10r, 11, 14, LCC2, 15, 16*, LCC3, 17 Valdyan, Kayasanoda, Kali-Sise, Slezan, Tokana, twisspraak, gjâ-zym-byn, Rhean, Vozgian, Tirelat, Ājat he-Heloun, mërèchi, Kamakawi
Jeffrey Henning Dublex (2-3), Kali-Sise (10), Fith (11), Zylvusda (12*) 2, 3, 10, 11, 12* Brithenig, Curco, Wenedyk, Carrajena
Jennifer Barefoot Asiteya 1 Boreanesian
Jesse S. Bangs Yivrian/Yivríndil (4-7, 13), Hiksilipsi (5), Anmur (14) 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14 Czevraqis, Ajuk, Kamakawi, Mango, Tæĺf, Urianian
Jim Henry Volapük (13), gjâ-zym-byn (13-14, LCC2, 15-16, LCC3), Toki Pona (14), Urianian (1i), Taruven (2i) 13, 14, LCC2, 1i*, 15, 16, LCC3, 2i* Da Mätz se Basa, Slezan, Þrjótrunn, Kēlen, Tlharithad, gjâ-zym-byn, Mærik, Mabri, Asha'ille
Jim Taylor Xara (8-11, 14-17), Limciela (10r, 13, 13r, 14, 16) 8, 9, 10, 10r, 11, 13, 13r, 14, 15, 16, 17 Seinundjé, Aganean, Khangaþyagon, Vallés, Ikanirae Seru, Carrajena, Asha'ille, Nesheti, Jovian, Sora Suraetua, Neimalu, Azurian, Şärsâ
Joe Hill Zitwbata (6, 7), Kalon (9) 6, 7, 9 Ilaini, Ebisedian, Orēlynna
Joe Mondello Nzva (1), Rodeys (3) 1, 3 Uatakassí, Rokbeigalmki
John Clifford Toki Pona LCC2 Kamakawi
John Cowan Lojban (2, 6), Piat (9) 2, 6, 9 Demuan, Ini, Oro Mpaa
John Fisher Elet Anta 2 Doraya
John Leland Meridonian 10r Candabrach
John Quijada Ithkuil (16*, 17) 16, 17 iljena, gjâ-zym-byn, Limciela, Theadisch
Jonathan (Jon) Moore Aganean 9, 11 Kelenala, Teonaht
Jonathan North Washington Tûsyelan (P*), Tjelwu (6-7), Celwu (8), Tæĺf (9, 12-13), Θywǵø (13-14) P*, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Pendap'tri'suyrsuri, Rokbeigalmki, Hattic, pjaukra, Cenlatorre, Calénnawn, Toma Heylm, Xara, Toki Pona
Jörg Rhiemeier Germanech (5, 9, 10r), Old Albic (10-11, 13-16) 5, 9, 10, 10r, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 Skerre, Kamakawi, Teonaht, Wenedyk, Kash, Silindion, Carrajena, Khangaþyagon, Ithkuil
Josh Roth Eloshtan (1-5), Kar Marinam (6-7, 9) 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Moten, Teonaht, Míjador, Vyääh, Ibran, Kinsi Rorotan, Ilaini
Joshua Shinavier Arovën 1 Chleweyish
Kelly Drinkwater Tlharithad LCC2 Sabasasaj
Kelvin Jackson Vašt î Kûvik (LCC3, 17), Karrev (17) LCC3, 17 Tenata, Kerno, Talarian
Kenner Gordon Theadisch* 17* Tirelat, Babel, Wenedyk, Nesheti
Kevin Urbanczyk Proto-Drem (9-10, 13-14), Sslass (11) 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 Kēlen, Byashrei, Vallés, Gwr, Calénnawn
Kinetic Kontaxta/Vetela (14-16) 14, 15, 16 Proto-Drem, Rhaetian, Naisek
Kristian Jensen Boreanesian 1 Eloshtan
Lars Finsen Gaajan (14, LCC2), Urianian (14, 16), Silindion (1i), Sora Suraetua (15, 16), Labarion (15, LCC3), Azurian (16, 17), gjâ-zym-byn (2i) 14, LCC2, 1i, 15, 16, LCC3, 2i, 17 Wenedyk, Ayeri, Aitoliste, Urianian, Silindion, Neimalu, Mirexu, Slovianski, Gwr, gjâ-zym-byn, Theadisch
Legbiter qangr gurzbekugteq 14 Kontaxta
Leland Paul Old Tükwäi 13, 16 iljena, Urianian
Lila Sadkin Tenata (LCC2, LCC3), mërèchi (2i) LCC2, LCC3, 2i Proto Central Mountain, Labarion, Tenata
Marcus Miles Uchunata 10r Brithenig
Mario Bonassin Avariel 4 Elenyo
Mark Harold McGrath Pendap'tri'suyrsuri P Mabri
Mark J. Reed Okaikiar 9 Sturnan
Mathias Tunu 6 Kash
Matt Haupt Pitak LCC3 Kapakwonak
Matt Laporte Iuthan 14 Neimalu
Matt McLaughlin Lyanjen 4, 5 Wawa, Eviendádhail
Matt Pearson Tokana 2, 4, 11 Eloshtan, Tyl Sjok, Qþyn|gài
Matt Swadener Vyääh 5 ámman îar
Matthew Butt (a.k.a. bnathyuw) Bac (6½, 7, 7½), Eestaak (8) 6½, 7, 7½, 8 Rhean, Kamakawi, Mango, Ikanirae Seru
Matthew Kehrt Eviendadhail 4, 5, 6, 10 Diom, Germanech, Skuodian, Meghean
Mau Rauszer Long Wer 8, 9 Nesheti, Xara
Mechthild Czapp Rejistanian 17 Feayran
Mia Soderquist Míjador 4 Praxian
Michael S. Repton Kardii 13 Teonaht
Mike Ellis (a.k.a. Nihil Sum) Rhean 6, 6½*, 7, 7½, 8, 9, 10, 15 Cenlatorre, Mango, Nesheti, Chrisist, Obrenje, Rokbeigalmki, Atas, Kēlen
Muke Tever Hadwan (4), Dunamy (5), Ibran (6, 10r), Trentish (7), Atlantic (9), Henaudute (11) 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10r, 11 Aelya, Graavgaaln, Tunu, Tjelwu, Okaikiar, Uchunata, Jovian
Natalia Laurila (a.k.a. Natalia Gruscha) Mango P, 6½, 7, 7½* Finnstek, Ilaini, Tasratal
Nicole Dobrowolski narethanaal 6, 7, 8, 9 Rhean, Ziotaki, Eestaak, Livagian
Nicole Perrin Pfinnapex (2), Önaila (3*), Ini (5-6) 2, 3*, 5, 6 Gladilatian, Géarthnuns, Teonaht, Talarian/Yllurian
Nik Taylor Uatakassí 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6*, 8, 9 Hatasoe (2x), Valdyan, Dalmatian, Kash, Tlapoa, Phaleran, Lenmoct, Klingon
Oliver Schnee Antariano Cepperjoleddicg
Pablo Flores Draseléq (1-2), Curco (3) 1, 2, 3 Ricadh, Chasm"o"cho, Rodeys
Padraic Brown Kerno (1, 4, 10r, 13r, 17), Talarian/Yllurian (3, 10-11, 15, 17), Latin (13r) 1, 3, 4, 10, 10r, 11, 13r, 15, 17 Draseléq, Kash, Tepa, Toma Heylm, Meridonian, Zhyler, Jovian, Aingeljã, Old Albic, Theadisch, Kēlen
Pascal A. Kramm Dewagistarah (12), Kharos S'Fik (13), Larash Yawakh (14) 12, 13, 14 Aingeljã, Da Mätz se Basa, Minza
Patrick Dunn Hatasoe (1-2), Rethdash (3), Oa-sa (5), Atas (10) 1, 2, 3, 5*, 10 Rokbeigalmki, Vogu, Tyl Sjok, Kash, Gwr
Paul Bennett Wenetaic 2 Rokbeigalmki
Pavel Iosad Skuodian 6, 9 Hattic, narethanaal
Peter Bleackley Khangaþyagon (8-11, 13-14, 15*, 16-17), Mágikimnaz (10), iljena (13-14, 16-17), Tenata (2i) 8*, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15*, 16, 2i, 17 Mërèchi, Celwu, Wenedyk, Old Albic, Proto-Drem, Kēlen, Klingon, Escinet, qangr gurzbekugteq, Gaajan, Kamakawi, Vetela (x2), Calénnawn, Suraetua, Khangaþyagon, Alurhsa, West Germanic
Philip Newton Verdurian (6, 6½, 7, 7½, 8), Klingon (9, 11-14), Ko e Vagahau he Motu (10), Toki Pona (14), Greek Sans Flexions (LCC2), Rhaetian (15) 6, 6½, 7, 7½, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, LCC2, 15 Lojban, Ebisedian, Kash, Rokbeigalmki, Khangaþyagon, mërèchi, Wenedyk, Sslass, Zyvlusda, Kamakawi, Rokbeigalmki, Þrjótrunn, Naisek, gjâ-zym-byn
Puey McCleary Babel 17 Carrajena
Rebecca Harbison Darynese (9-14), Byashrei (10) 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Uatakassí, Vayaun, 'Yemls, Calénnawn, Klingon, mërèchi, Xara
René Uittenbogaard Calénnawn (11-15, 17), Pinuyo (16) 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Inagalasi, Toma Heylm, Nesheti, Θywǵø, 'Yemls, Asha'ille, Mabri
Requiem Zazenimi Verdurian
Rob Haden Thalassan 11, 13 Ilaini, Proto-Drem
Rob Nierse Gbwia (2), Tlapoa (6) 2, 6 Denden, Rav Zarruvo
Robert Hailman Ajuk 4, 5 Nrit, Jelardin
Robert Schikowski Candabrach 10r Wenedyk
Robert B. Wilson Kinsi Rorotan (7, 8), kasano (9) 7, 8, 9 bac, Long Wer (2x)
Rodlox Metes 10 Chrol
Roger Mills Kash (3-7, 11, 14*, 16), Gwr (10, 13, 16), Prevli (15, 17) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Ajuk, Géarthnuns, Kēlen, Tirelat, Rav Zarruvo, pjaukra, Wenedyk, Latin, Limciela, Naisek (x2), Silindion, Khangaþyagon, Tvern El
Sally Caves Teonaht 1, 2*, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 Ilaini (2x), Wenetaic, Avariel, Rokbeigalmki, Uatakassí, Rhean, Asha'ille, Khangaþyagon, Obrenje
Scotto Hlad Vistoulor (10), Regimonti (10r, 14, 15), Pilovese (16) 10, 10r, 14, 15, 16 Ko e Vagahau he Motu, Aingeljã, mabri, Classical Arithide, Xara
Sean Anderson Tauro-Piscean (15), West Germanic (16-17) 15, 16, 17 Wenedyk, Pilovese, Karrev
Shreyas Sampat Rišuli (3), Nrit (4*), Seinunjdjé (P, 7-8) 3, 4*, P, 7, 8 Târuvan, Ilaini, Tûsyelan, Silindion, Verdurian
Steg Belsky Rokbeigalmki 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7½, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16 Teonaht, Dublex, Önaila, Silindion, Lyanjen, Tasratal, Trentish, Rhean, kinsi rorotan, pjaukra, mërèchi, Kēlen, Iuthan, West Germanic
Steve Hefford Deden 5 Dunamy
Sylvia Sotomayor Kēlen (4-14, LCC2, 15-16, LCC3, 17), Khangaþyagon (2i) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, LCC2, 15, 16, LCC3, 2i, 17 Megdevi, Ini, Verdurian, Narethanaal, Asha'ille, Piat, Vystoulor, mërèchi, Mærik, Old Albic, Silindion, Kamakawi, Carrajena, Ithkuil, Classical Arithide, Kēlen, Vozgian
Taliesin the Storyteller Târuven (3, 9, 13-14, 16), Asha'ille (2i*) 3, 9, 13, 14, 16, 2i Rethdash, Skuodian, Darynese, Foaji, Classical Arithide, Târuven
Terrence Donnelly Vogu 2 Lojban
Tom Tadfor Little Iltârer 4 Géarthnuns
Tom Wier Phaleran 6 Tjelwu
Tommie L. Powell Wawa 4 Glïzxföösee
Tony Harris Urianian (2i), Alurhsa (17), Tariatta (17) 2i, 17 Alurhsa, Theadisch, Xara
Tony Hogard Nesheti 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 Graavgaaln, Zitwbata, Zhyler, Ikanirae Seru, Henaudute, Thalassan, Klingon, Xara, Ndok Aisô
Trebor Jung Kosi 10 Xara
Tristan McLeay Etábnanni (4), Finnstek (P) 4, P Hadwan, Fox
William Annis Vaior 5, 6 Uatakassí, 'Yemls
Yann Kiraly nala na ti ka'i 12 Tæĺf
Yoon Ha Lee Czevraqis (4), Tasratal (5-7) 4, 5, 6, 7 Cein, Hiksilipsi, Nesheti, Kar Marinam
Zack Hart Gomain LCC2 Tenata
Zeke Fordsmender Grœna Cepperjoleddicg Zazenimi
Zylom Tjh P Mango

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