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6. Rejistanian by Mechthild Czapp

Texts | Grammar | Lexicon
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Ixtehji'he mi'kylan

My'he oejelu mi'ritmu kihjune'het mitad'het'sy. Ixtehji'he mi'hasver my'he ji mi'visko my'he'han. {Tahy. Il'oejelu ji il'sykil. Xe'mesu'han il ,jyxe'het'ny'xe mi'isin, yke. Il'vinik jyxe'het'ny'mi josatu'het. Xe'vana ,xen'antal vasina, het.}

My'he mi'la'ausu jilih ji mi'onje ixtehji'het'han. {Xe'vinik jyxe'het'ny'mi josatu'het ,su, yke? Il'vana ,xen'antal vasina, het, yke su? Xe'tadva ,il'ki'ta elu'het'xe ,il'visko xe'han, venil.}

Ixtehji'he mi'namha. {Il'visko elu'het'il xuka. Il'ausu'ta xe'han su? Xe'la'demu ,xe'vana ,xen'antal vasina, het, jilih. Namha'het'il jilih xuka mi'aru sunjet?}

My'het mi'namha. {Namha'het'xe mi'aru jilih} Deshe'het'mi deshe al mi'dijuri ji mi'vaixunus ixtehji'he ji mi'vared sydi asav'het'mi ixtehji'het.

Asav'het mi'okox kihjune'het'ra kadi'het asu. Mi'visko sydi jilih'jet. {Il'oki've su?}
  Smooth English

The goat which was loud

The beautiful woman was said to walk on a bridge. The goat quickly stops her. It speaks to her: "Oh! You are a gracefully beautiful woman. I am watching you thus the eyes of me contain joy. You are like the eyes of the moon. I want to marry you!"

She listens to these words. She laughs about the goat. "I am like the eyes of the moon and thus WHAT? Thus you want to marry me? I assume that you don't know my name but you talk to me."

Goat: "You talk about your name. Didn't you listen to me? I told you: "I want to marry you!" What is your answer to that?"

Woman: "This is my answer:" Her sharp knife kills it and cuts its head off.

The head falls into to river by the fields. The head quickly speaks to the woman. "I assume that you agree with me?"




Rejistanian is an agglutinating language known for its overuse of apostrophes. The ' in rejistanian actually separates the stem from the affixes.

The 'het and 'he which you notice on almost every noun are noun classes. You can treat them as if they were an optional part of that noun. One difference though exists: in the vocabulary, {ixtehji'het} means 'goat', the {ixtehji'he} which is used here is a different noun class (that of people) and thus personifies the creature.

Rejistanian natively uses another alphabet but I decided that would be too much of a challenge :) what still exists is some pretty strange punctuation:

  • there is no exclamation mark (there normally is no question mark either but I left them in for ease of understanding)
  • a subclause is enclosed ,like this, and a quotation {like this}
  • there is no colon. If wanting to indicate quoting someone's speech, it follows after an explanation that something was said, eg: Kelit complained. {Why do I always get the smallest slice of pizza?}

Grammatical stuff:

  • Rejistanian sentence structure is SVO
  • The subject is normally ommitted if it is the 1st or 2nd person or if it is in the 3rd one but only he, she or it. In these cases, the conjugated verb contains all required information
  • Rejistanian does not distinguish between definite and indefinite nouns on syntax level
  • The plural of nouns is the suffix {ny}, ie: kihjune'het = (a/the) river, kihjune'het'ny = rivers
  • Possession is indicated by suffixing the personal pronoun and (if required) add the possessor: ixtehji'het = goat, ixtehji'het'il = your goat, ixtehji'het'mi Kansu: Kansu's goat
  • {sy}, {han}, {jet} and {ra} are the two cases which are used here: sy is the instrumental, han the allative (which also has aspects of the benefactive), jet the temporal case (x'jet can often mean during x), ra the locative.
  • Verbs in the infinitive are prefixed by an apostrophe, this is the way they appear in this vocabulary list
  • Certain verbs are 'verbified adjectives', ie: state verbs
  • Verbs are (among other things) conjugated based on person, tense, certainty, (now comes the stem), and negation.
  • {la} is the past tense, the present tense is unmarked
  • {oki} is an indicator of certainty. Using it is the rough difference between: "He has not done it" and "He certainly has NOT done it."
  • {ta} is the negation
  • Adjectives follow the noun, adverbs follow the verb or adjective.
  • Certain particles are treated as adjectives in rejistanian though they are not treated like that in English. One of them is {xuka} for about
  • Subclauses are a difficult matter: The linking term is put after the actual subclause. The subclause itself is enclosed in commas, eg: I was wearing my raincoat ,dark clouds were in the sky, because.
  • this structure can be encapsulated, however, the term for "which/that" {het} must not be duplicated. {jilih} is used alternatively: I want ,you to say ,you love me, het, jilih. (I want that you say that you love me)
  • Lists repeat the 'linking' term between the items, eg: I want to thank my parents and Madonna and the pope.



(note that everything I might have forgotten is here)

al: very
'antal: to celebrate
'antal vasina: to marry
asav'het: head
asu: near
'ausu: to listen, to hear
deshe: sharp, cutting
deshe'het: knife
'dijuri: to cut or injure with a bladed weapon or a knife, to stab
elu'het: name
'hasver: interrupt, intercept
het: that, which
il: you (singular)
'isin: to be happy
ixtehji'het: goat
ji: and
jilih: this (see also grammar notes)
josatu'het: moon
jyxe'het: eye
kadi'het: field (agriculture)
'ki: to know (also future tense marker)
kihjune'het: river
'kylan: to be loud
'mesu: to see, to look at, to perceive
mi: he/she/it
mitad'het: bridge
my'he: female person
'namha: to reply, to answer
namha'het: answer, reply
oejhelu: pleasing to the senses, beautiful
'okox: to fall
'onje: to laugh
'ritmu: to cross
su: question particle for polar questions
sunjet: what?
sydi: quick
'sykil: graceful, elegant
'tadva: to guess
tahy: interjection like wow!
'vaixunus: to kill, to murder
'vana: to like, to want
'vared: to take away, to revoke a privilege, to delete, to remove, to demote, to burn a wooden figure
vasina'tan: love
ve: yes
've: to agree
venil: but
'vinik: to liken, to be similar to
'visko: to speak (person'han: with person, subect xuka: about subject)
xe: I
xen: we
xuka: about
yke: therefore, so, thus

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