McGuffey Primer: Lessons 15 and 16
Lesson 15
A ieletavenemu lia ika! A hetumu mawata'o ae! A puliu ieletavene! A huya mawata'o e ulaya ti hevumi! A oto ieletavene! A ulaya mawata'o ie ieletavene tie eli oie love! Ae hawa'a ieletavene ie mawata'o ima! Ae inomu mawata'o! A mimimu ieletavene! A eovu kaneko mala! A hetumu ieletavene ae! A hepote kaneko mala ie ieletavene! Ae eyoemu ieletavene, e imimu! Ka lava kaneko mala iu ino tinea ika!
The girl becomes a fox again! The blind man becomes afraid! The fox salivates! The blind man yells for help! The fox growls! The blind man pleads with the fox for love and forgiveness! The fox howls with laughter at the blind man! The blind man turns into an egg! The fox becomes confused! A mother cat appears! The fox becomes afraid! The mother cat attacks the fox! The fox turns into a white-tailed tropicbird, and escapes! The mother cat has saved her eggs again!
Lesson 16
Keiki oi Eini! Ae ala take'e'emi i Keiki! E fule take'e'emi ti Eini! A neviki Keiki i Eini tie take'e'emi! Ae tovukamu Eini!
Keiki and Eini! Keiki has a doll! Eini covets the doll! Keiki will not share the doll with Eini! Eini becomes angry!