McGuffey Primer: Lessons 19 and 20
Lesson 19
Huoyu oi Akavo! Ae mata Akavo ie io! E ulaya Akavo ie Huoyu tie hevumi! Ae emia Huoyu ie Akavo!
Huoyu and Akavo! Akavo sees the dove! Akavo asks Huoyu for help! Huoyu follows Akavo!
Lesson 20
A he'ea ia ie puke! A mata io ie take'e'emi! A mata Keiki ie io! A fule take'e'emi tie io! A hepote Keiki ie io! A li Eini ie take'e'emi! A huya Akavo ie Eini! Ae oto Eini ie Akavo! A ni'u Huoyu ie epi o Eini! Ae huyaya Eini! A hea kuiki ie i'uyaya o Eini! A inomu take'e'emi! A hepote kaneko mala i Eini! A itai io! A mawata'omu ino! Ae hepote mawata'o i Akavo! A lava Huoyu ie pataki nemile fei! Ae fa'a pataki ie tiviki! A hepote Ana i Huoyu! A eovu lia, e ulaya tie eli oie love! A tovukamu emiemi! E ume, e mata ie lia! Ae ieletavene lia! Ae oto ieletavene! A hetumu emiemi ae ima! A ha'a ieletavene! A ipo Eini! A ume ieletavene, e kuki! A huyaya emiemi ima! A hava kuki i Keiki, i Eini, i Akavo, i Huoyu, i Ana, ie mawata'o, ie ieletapene, iu kopala, ie fale, iu pake, ie aila, ie ele, oie inote...e nemei poiu!
Listen to the end! The dove sees the doll! Keiki sees the dove! The dove wants the doll! Keiki attacks the dove! Eini grabs the doll! Akavo yells at Eini! Eini growls at Akavo! Huoyu bites Eini's ankle! Eini screams! The frog hears Eini's scream! The doll turns into an egg! The mother cat attacks Eini! The dove flees! The egg turns into the blind man! The blind man attacks Akavo! Huoyu brings the dead boy back to life! The boy starts to looks for the rat! Ana attacks Huoyu! The girl appears and pleads for love and forgiveness! Everyone becomes angry! They turn around and look at the girl! The girl turns into a fox! The fox growls! Everyone becomes terrified! The fox laughs! Eini points! The fox turns around and sees...the frog! Everyone screams! The frog eats Keiki, Eini, Akavo, Huoyu, Ana, the blind man, the fox, the trees, the grass, the mountains, the ocean, the sky, and the earth...and then leaves forever!
Thus endeth the McGuffey Primer in Kamakawi!