The LCC2 Relay

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14X. Gomain by Zack Hart

Texts | Explanation
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Back to Tenata (Lila Sadkin)


"Thédóⁿ Gásnóméz Limbéz"

Khepraikhwei ló megásnóng oif.

Debúshóng oulán jámb úwóhwash. Fúm dehwíféjóng úm óthédóⁿ óyóp, mevékó ólimgain ís megásnóng zoi: "¡Yújeleit! ¿Hweyújoidhil? Delŕnoudh ná óshoing."

Dehékkánhróng ópódáléd ís dekhoedzóng: "¿Thédóⁿ megásnóngil góstí? ¡Véhóf ná!"

Mefreióng: "Shai, úm thédóⁿ degásnówób, kám imhroi dhíz deduendár nai nei mim."

Dekhoedzóng súr mim: "¿Yúná hwevé ólimgain?" Mefreióng: "¿Hwepoukájófil? Degásnoidh kho dhíz hwemishtárîdh."

Weingá thédóndlér kheveng ówagyáx, nóyá dehainónj mim stir úwóhwash. Simoidhét megásnóng duen zífú zoi.
  Smooth English

"The Living, Speaking Stone"

They say it spoke once. I was walking by the sea. When I kicked an ordinary stone, it came alive and spoke to me: "Stop! Will you stop? I don't enjoy that." I scratched my head and asked, "Did the stone just talk? Impossible!" It replied, "Yes, a stone can speak, but only if I remember how." Then I asked it, "How are you alive?" It answered, "Can you listen? I will speak to you if you agree." The stone's words were angry, so I threw it into the sea. Afterwards, it never spoke to me again.



Originally, Zack and Gomain followed Tenata in the relay. For reasons beyond anyone's control, he couldn't get his text to me in time, so I had to pass Lila's text straight to George Baker. Nevertheless, he had finished his translation, so I wanted to include it on the page. You might compare it to George's text to see how each participant translated Lila's Tenata text.


Previous (Jeff Burke, Proto Central Mountain) | Next (George Baker, Esperanto)
Back to Tenata (Lila Sadkin)

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