Page 9: Ho, ho! It's the return of the transvestite! Yet again (and I know not how, as I was trying specifically not to do this), my first drawing of a new female character looks like a man in drag. This is the delusional version of the princess, here pictured as a football player dressed up as a girl to try to crash a girls only sorority party, for reasons I can't fathom. I think the way it goes is the knight, when confronted with guilt, encounters the ugliest part of his soul, and so retreats into denial. The ruler of this fantasy land is the princess's opposite. She makes the dragon vanish by surrounding it with fog, and then praises the knight for slaying it and saving her.
Page 10: On this page, the false princess tells the knight how they're to be married at her castle (pictured behind), and...something or other. At least she looks a lot better in this one (she's supposed to be taller, though if there's a specific reason for this, I can't remember what it is).