Page 11: Gah, it happened again! The drag queen is back! Not that there's anything at all wrong with drag queens, it's just that she's not supposed to be a drag queen (though, ironically, if she were, it would still work with the story. Hmm...). Anyway, now they're in her castle, and I think she's trying to get him into that swirly-looking mirror, which would be him banishing himself to a world of illusion. Oh, no. Checking my notes, she's going to turn him to stone. (This may have been inspired by an ELO song.)
Page 12: As luck would have it (and this is how all those stories work, so why not?), a light shines down, exposing the false princess for what she really is: some kind of demon with a goat's leg, a...frog's leg (big frog, I guess), a tail (which we don't see in any of the other pictures, as it's always conveniently covered up by purple haze [all in my brain!]) made of three snakes, and tattered clothing. And so the clouds of delusion are removed from the knight's eyes, and he's ready to face reality again.