Page 25: No, I don't know why I decided to make the dragon's legs a different color gray than the rest of the dragon. I also don't know why the dragon's blood is black in this picture, but red in the picture on page 23. I do know that, as we all hoped and prayed, the Golden Knight defeats the Dragon of Doubt, if that's his name. Poor Dragsy is slain. Long live the new Dragsy!
Page 26: The Golden Knight returns to the castle, humbled a bit (as evidenced by his halo thingy), and apologizes to the princess and the king for acting as he did. He also apologizes for not having been able to keep the princess's necklace from being stolen in the first place, and for taking credit for killing the goblin when, in fact, it just ran in fear from him, dropping the necklace. (I don't know what the deal is with this king... His arm's always somewhere, and he always looks like he's about to leap into action.)